Monday, May 21, 2012

Matani, Day 5 :)

Woke up this morning, had breakfast and got ready for my first day of teaching! I left for school and got stared at the ENTIRE way (as usual) and when I got to the school every single kid and teacher was staring. This is starting to get really old, I get that they haven’t had many foreigners in this village but seriously!!! I can’t even go into a store without being stared at constantly! But anyways I got to the school and the went into the teachers room (where more staring occurred) and the principle handed me his phone and my co-teacher was like “ Hi Kaitlyn, I’m in training today so I won’t be at school so you can just go home”.  So, that made for a very short day of school! So I came home and just relaxed on the deck for a little bit then B and I went into Akhmeta to do some shopping (where more staring occurred) there wasn’t really a whole lot of selection when it came to stores or shopping so that was a short trip. I came home, ate supper and host mom and I went for a walk around the village. When I got back I played some piano then took some “me” time and sat out on the deck with some tunes until the bats came out. Now, I just finished talking to my boy and  I’m going to get ready for bed, watch a movie, listen to another thunder storm :), and go to sleep and hope I don’t get woken up at 6 a.m. by the dog or the roosters! Love and miss you all!!

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